TONIGHT ON UNSOLVED MYSTERIES - THE OWNER DEFINITELY DOES NOT ASSRAPES SNAILS akefu raider Fri, 26 Jul 2024 07:15:55 +0000 eso 397 <p>While browsing this forum, I have taken notice of a man who calls himself &quot;Franz Halder,&quot; though this is not his real name. Halder served under von Brauchitsch and oversaw the Eastern Campaign during der Krieg.</p><p>The messages of &quot;Franz Halder&quot; make no attempt to take a likeness to the quotes published by this general. They are childish, and make a mockery of the forum. For this reason, I put forth the idea that he be exiled from this board&#39;s whereabouts.</p><p>His posts contain little-to-no substance, and he is of the mindset that applying slurs to messages will somehow enrich them with a deeper meaning. The titles of his threads will only detract incoming users, and for this reason, a form of self-moderation should be applied in order to better the demeanor of this coterie. If this motion is met with scorn then nothing will come of us.</p> Fri, 26 Jul 2024 06:39:58 +0000