Where the hood at? - THE OWNER DEFINITELY DOES NOT ASSRAPES SNAILS https://white.myeso.org/6830/where-the-hood-at/ the raids Fri, 26 Jul 2024 06:34:09 +0000 eso 263 https://white.myeso.org/post/6908/ <p>I am sending you a report of content which violates the ByetHost Terms of Service that is hosted on &quot;ezoforum.byethost8.com&quot; and may potentially violate United States federal law. The content hosted on &quot;ezoforum.byethost8.com&quot; is in violation of the following sections of the ByetHost Terms of Service: 1. &quot;You agree to not use the Service to upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another&#39;s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable.&quot; 2. &quot;[You agree not to] harm minors in any way.&quot; 3. &quot;[You agree not to] impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, a Byet official, forum leader, guide or host, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.&quot; Furthermore, other sections of the Terms of Service are violated by content hosted on &quot;ezoforum.byethost8.com&quot; as Copyrighted material is hosted on the site, and conduct has been held on the site which is in violation with the Terms. Exhibit A: The forum &quot;ezoforum.byethost8.com&quot; agrees only to enforce content that does not violate local or federal United States law (<a href='http://ezoforum.byethost8.com/about/'>http://ezoforum.byethost8.com/about/</a>) and does not enforce the ByetHost Terms of Service, thus allowing for Copyrighted material and misconduct to be held on the forum. The forum holds that &quot;all posts on this site are the sole responsibility of their posters,&quot; waiving all responsibility of moderators to remove objectionable content, which is not congruent with the ByetHost Terms of Service. Exhibit B: <a href='http://ezoforum.byethost8.com/profile/109/'>http://ezoforum.byethost8.com/profile/109/</a>, <a href='http://ezoforum.byethost8.com/385/'>http://ezoforum.byethost8.com/385/</a>, <a href='http://ezoforum.byethost8.com/profile/177/'>http://ezoforum.byethost8.com/profile/177/</a>, <a href='http://ezoforum.byethost8.com/233/'>http://ezoforum.byethost8.com/233/</a>, <a href='http://ezoforum.byethost8.com/1390/'>http://ezoforum.byethost8.com/1390/</a>, <a href='http://ezoforum.byethost8.com/1454/'>http://ezoforum.byethost8.com/1454/</a> Exhibit C: The forum software (esoBB) is an open-source software which contains a footer-based copyright notification that has been removed by the webmaster of &quot;ezoforum.byethost8.com&quot; which constitutes a violation of the agreement of the software&#39;s Agreement, and thus violates Copyright. I request that &quot;ezoforum.byethost8.com&quot; be taken down as it is in violation of your Terms of Service, the Copyright agreement by which its software is held, and may potentially violate the law.</p> Fri, 26 Jul 2024 06:34:09 +0000 https://white.myeso.org/post/6908/