Recent posts - THE OWNER DEFINITELY DOES NOT ASSRAPES SNAILS Sat, 27 Jul 2024 22:31:29 +0000 eso NoirAngel - HOLY FUCK <p>:-(</p> Sat, 27 Jul 2024 22:31:29 +0000 Mr. White - HOLY FUCK <p>:(</p> Sat, 27 Jul 2024 22:30:32 +0000 Akefu Raider - HOLY FUCK <p>KILL YOURSELF MR WHITE</p> Sat, 27 Jul 2024 00:23:29 +0000 goldfag - stupid niggers <p>thanks for sharing</p> Fri, 26 Jul 2024 07:34:27 +0000 Mr. White - The rayds. <blockquote><p><cite>goldfag - <a href='' class='postLink'>go to this post</a></cite></p><p>send dick pics</p></blockquote><p>okay</p> Fri, 26 Jul 2024 07:24:50 +0000 goldfag - The rayds. <p>send dick pics</p> Fri, 26 Jul 2024 07:24:13 +0000 Mr. White - stupid niggers <p>he spamed my site</p> Fri, 26 Jul 2024 07:21:42 +0000 Mr. White - stupid niggers <p>justin loronaxxingkayfubrewer</p> Fri, 26 Jul 2024 07:21:18 +0000 Mr. White - STROPPPPPPPPPPPPP <blockquote><p><cite>goldfag - <a href='' class='postLink'>go to this post</a></cite></p><p>hey</p></blockquote><p>hi</p> Fri, 26 Jul 2024 07:20:48 +0000 goldfag - STROPPPPPPPPPPPPP <p>hey</p> Fri, 26 Jul 2024 07:19:02 +0000 BrandBox. - STROPPPPPPPPPPPPP <p>Looks like he sopped.</p> Fri, 26 Jul 2024 07:18:50 +0000 goldfag - stupid niggers <p>share names of any niggers you hate.</p> Fri, 26 Jul 2024 07:18:20 +0000 Noir414 - The rayds. <p>Cheers!</p> Fri, 26 Jul 2024 07:11:04 +0000 Mr. White - The rayds. <blockquote><p><cite>Noir414 - <a href='' class='postLink'>go to this post</a></cite></p><p>The rayds have been put to a stop. Preciate all of you for joining me on this journey, Noir414 out.</p></blockquote><p>So trve. Cheers!</p> Fri, 26 Jul 2024 07:10:01 +0000 Noir414 - The rayds. <p>The rayds have been put to a stop. Preciate all of you for joining me on this journey, Noir414 out.</p> Fri, 26 Jul 2024 07:08:47 +0000 Mr. White - Looks like the spam finally stopped. <p>White forum: 1<br/>Spammer: 0</p> Fri, 26 Jul 2024 07:07:28 +0000 265 - ez log! <p>HERE THERE FISHFUCKLER NIGGERJEWS IF YOU WANT YOUR FORUM TO HAVE A FUCKING FUTURE AND THE RAIDS TO STOP ILL GIVE YOU A FUCKING PATH OUT OF FUCKING HELL IF YOU FOLLOW MY FUCKING DEMANDS RETARD GORILLA NIGGERS</p><p>HERES A LIST OF MY FUCKING DEMANDS:<br/>1 I WANT <a href='' target='_blank'>MY ACCOUNT</a> TO BE A PERMANENT ADMINISTRATOR<br/>2 I WANT MY OWN SUB BOARD AT <a href=''></a> DEDICATED TO ME AND ME ONLY<br/>3 DONT EVER FUCKING FUCK WITH ME AGAIN RETARDED NIGGERCATTLE<br/>4 I WANT EVERY SINGLE ACCOUNT IVE EVER MADE UNSUSED<br/>5 I WANT 50 DOLLARS WORTH OF BITCOIN OR MONERO OR ETHERIUM (OPTIONAL)</p><p>I PINKY PROMISE THE RAIDS WILL STOP IF MY FUCKING DEMANDS ARE MET</p> Fri, 26 Jul 2024 06:53:11 +0000 264 - Neilguard's coleslaw <p>While browsing this forum, I have taken notice of a man who calls himself &quot;Franz Halder,&quot; though this is not his real name. Halder served under von Brauchitsch and oversaw the Eastern Campaign during der Krieg.</p><p>The messages of &quot;Franz Halder&quot; make no attempt to take a likeness to the quotes published by this general. They are childish, and make a mockery of the forum. For this reason, I put forth the idea that he be exiled from this board&#39;s whereabouts.</p><p>His posts contain little-to-no substance, and he is of the mindset that applying slurs to messages will somehow enrich them with a deeper meaning. The titles of his threads will only detract incoming users, and for this reason, a form of self-moderation should be applied in order to better the demeanor of this coterie. If this motion is met with scorn then nothing will come of us.</p> Fri, 26 Jul 2024 06:46:54 +0000 263 - The Exploiter App Project <p>HOLY FUCKING APE SHIT STAINS NIGGERCATTLE I AKEFUSON STINKBRO DATALINKER III HEREBY HUMBLY FUCKING DECLARE THAT THE FUCKING RAIDS WILL NEVER EVER FUCKING STOP NO MATTER FUCKING WHAT NOT NOW NOT EVER NOT IN A TRILLION GAZILLION FUCKING MILLENNIA HOLY FUCK DOG SHIT STICKS MY FUCKING DEMANDS NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED TO BE FUCKING FOLLOWED TO THE FUCKING LETTER OTHERWISE THE FUCKING RAIDS WILL NEVER FUCKING STOP NO MATTER FUCKING WHAT I NEEEEEEEEEED UNSUS AND PERMANENT STAFF AND ADMIN AND MY OWN BLOG CHANNEL AND A TEXT CHANNEL AT #akefu AND #cool-akefu OTHERWISE ILL FUCKFUCK YOUR FUCKING YEE YEE ASS NIGGERLICIOUS SERVER AWAY LIKE MY FUCKING BUDDY 0V3R_L0RD DID WITH HIS ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE HOLY MONKEY ASSCHEECK SNAPPERS</p> Fri, 26 Jul 2024 06:46:31 +0000 397 - And The Fall Of The Adfags <p>&quot;Raider&#39;s Paradise&quot;</p><p>As I walk through the valley of the husk of geteso<br/>I take a look at the site and realize there&#39;s nothin&#39; left<br/>&#39;Cause I&#39;ve been raiding and spamming so long,<br/>That even badmin thinks that his forum is gone<br/>But I ain&#39;t never raided a forum that didn&#39;t deserve it<br/>Me be sussed like a nigger you know that&#39;s unheard of<br/>You better watch how you&#39;re moderating and who you&#39;re sussing<br/>Or you and your homies might be raided to shit<br/>I really hate to be sussed but I gotta get unsus<br/>As the forum crashes, I see myself in the can&#39;t connect page, fool<br/>I&#39;m the kinda Akefy the little raidies wanna be like<br/>Forums on their knees in the night begging and pleading in the streetlight</p><p>Been spending most their lives living in the raider&#39;s paradise<br/>Been spending most their lives living in the raider&#39;s paradise<br/>Keep spending most our lives living in the raider&#39;s paradise<br/>Keep spending most our lives living in the raider&#39;s paradise</p><p>Look at the shitpile they got me facin&#39;<br/>I can&#39;t live a normal life, I was raised by the internet<br/>So I gotta be down with the raid team<br/>Too much computer time got me raiding servers<br/>I&#39;m a professional raider with spamming on my mind<br/>Got my script on my hard drive and a gleam in my eye<br/>I&#39;m a steaming red raider set forum crashing<br/>And my minions are down so don&#39;t arouse my anger,<br/>Fool, the raids ain&#39;t nothing but a millisecond away,<br/>I&#39;m raiding forums, raid or spam, what can I say?<br/>Forums exist now, but will they live another 24?<br/>The way raids are going I don&#39;t know</p><p>Tell me why are we so blind to see<br/>That the demands we don&#39;t follow hurt you and me?</p><p>Been spending most their lives living in the raider&#39;s paradise<br/>Been spending most their lives living in the raider&#39;s paradise<br/>Keep spending most our lives living in the raider&#39;s paradise<br/>Keep spending most our lives living in the raider&#39;s paradise</p><p>Raids and the spam, raids and the spam<br/>Minute after minute, hour after hour<br/>Everybody&#39;s spamming, but half of them ain&#39;t raiding<br/>It&#39;s going on in the server, but I don&#39;t know what&#39;s spammin&#39;<br/>I say they gotta follow my demands, but nobody&#39;s willing to meet them<br/>If they can&#39;t understand it, how can they be reached<br/>I guess they can&#39;t, I guess they won&#39;t<br/>I guess they fucked, that&#39;s why I know their forum is out of luck, niggerjew</p><p>Been spending most their lives living in the raider&#39;s paradise<br/>Been spending most their lives living in the raider&#39;s paradise<br/>Keep spending most our lives living in the raider&#39;s paradise<br/>Keep spending most our lives living in the raider&#39;s paradise</p><p>Tell me why are we so blind to see<br/>That the demands we don&#39;t follow hurt you and me?<br/>Tell me why are we so blind to see<br/>That the demands we don&#39;t follow hurt you and me?<br/>[Fade out]</p> Fri, 26 Jul 2024 06:40:50 +0000