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1 month ago Suspended

These accounts bearing the name "Akefu" made recently aren't mine. I'm the real Akefu, I can allude the authenticity of my identity if the necessity unfolds. I have been locked out of my original account, Akefu Brewer, by the faggot nigger impersonator. My message to the person or persons in impersonation of me is this, you better stop and fess up otherwise I will have no indicative other than to launch the Dolbeson, commonly reffered to as "Ezo" By the tabulars in secret. Once again these accounts were NOT mine, whoever is doing this is likely behind the raids as well. I believe it is Joseph Stalin, who is a known samefag(who still posts here today under many accounts). Joseph Stalin has been proved to try and undermine me in several ways in the past. I have shifted my focus to putting a stop to this impersonator and samefag, the July raid will be postponed to July the 8th. I urgently placate the moderator team to make haste in bringing down the warhammer against this pedo samefag niggerjew who has the audibility to dare impersonate me. If the moderator team doesn't do as I demand, I will begin raiding the motherfuck out of this special little dead private club of repeated inside jokes that nobody will ever want to join because your just like every single /b/tard in their mother's basement, holy shit.

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